Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 15...Looking forward to Change

     Change in life is inevitable. We must  make this transition as Positive as possible. The change in my Body, change in my Heart and Change in my mind. If we are not striving towards positive direction, how can we be happy? I am starting with myself. Breaking my bad habits and unhealthy behaviors. Like the lotus flower, out the darkness and into the light! Through great struggle and suffering, i have become a stronger person. The only way i can do this is to share my journey with others. Along the way, i am meeting people heading in the same direction. By sharing, i am attracting and manifesting the positive relationships in my life that support me on my path. As i share more, i can support others on their path. Share, Love and Support! Keep the Vibration High!
     8 a.m. Bikram Yoga Today. Felt a little weak this morning. My diet has been wavering a bit. Mostly, i will eat healthy through out the day. Its my night time cravings that get me in trouble. This is one of the habits i need to break and change! I am doing much better with my food cravings. I realize i am an emotional eater and i delve into these comfort foods when under stress or dealing with intense life situations. Gradually, i will combat the night cravings with a balanced meal plan through out the day. My emotions have been on a roller coaster ride since i started my Program. I believe this can only make me stronger over time. I working it out, breaking down the inner walls, getting closer to my divine self and my purpose on this planet. I must let my judgement of others go. And the reason why i judge others is because i judge myself! WoW, that only took me 35 years to figure out. No more judging myself and others. Looking forward for the changes to come every second of everyday!


  1. Emotional roller coasters, akin to the ones in real life, will help you to experience lightness in the highs, the weight of the world in the lows, with a touch of fear around the unexpected twists and turns. Once the ride is over, you will feel exhilarated and ready to conquer the next one! Stay strong and keep sharing :)

  2. Thats a great analogy. Thank you for the insight and inspiration
